Sunday, May 26, 2013

Yoda's First Night; Poop

Well, I managed to get him to eat another spoonful or so of wet food - he has a pretty big appetite... And a big poop too!

On my pillow.

Well, after that was taken care of, about 1am, we actually managed to sleep a nice uninterrupted night til about 7am when I was curious why he was so quiet!

He was asleep. It was actually nice. So we woke up, he crawled out and all over us and the bed, and I showed Matt how to feed him.

He -really- doesn't like KMR, so I am going to be focusing more on the solid food as he really does seem keen on it... After all, he is a 7 week old kitten, no matter how he looks.

I'll still be forcing it down him a few times a day, but I am going to be getting him a litterbox and attempting to train him this evening - his first box shall be a kindly donated empty kleenex box! He'd get lost in something the size of Bistro's.

Otherwise, no major updates. He is a talker, and getting plenty of food, passing it healthily, and I feel a lot better about him than when I initially received him.

I'm going to be attempting to call the vet on Tuesday and see if we can get him in, or at least talk to them to see when they'd like to meet him - since he is so special.

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