Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Yoda got new play area

Since I figure someday I am probably going to have a *real kid* and not just kittens, and Yoda -really- needs a bigger place to stay permanently (like when I am trying to work and can't keep an eye on him)...

I just bought him a playpen. I can reuse it someday, and if nothing else as the kids grow older, it's a great toy bin. I'm okay with that.

Meanwhile, Yoda has moved in! I've since added a -few- more things, maybe I'll post a pic of that tomorrow... But this is the basics, and really... He doesn't even need the water. He wont drink it.

I think it's a nice place to keep an idle eye on him, and now his food dish and litterkleenexbox can be not next to eachother immediately.

Otherwise, I called the vet today and was told to not bring him in unless he stops eating, doesn't gain weight, or stops pooping. I was also told that I shouldn't need to supplement him with more than a few ml of water due to the high water content of wet food.

I also picked up a nutritional additive to add to his food which I'll be starting later today once I can read it fully.

PS: The bed is a lie. He does not want to sleep there, he wants to sleep on you/me/anyone. Non-discriminatory. 

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