Monday, May 27, 2013

Litterbox Successes 2.0

Took a poop AND a pee, unassisted, and all by himself in his litterbox this evening! Still -not- keen on drinking by himself, but he's more than happy to chomp down on wet kitten food. I'll be stopping by Petco again tomorrow to grab him some more. As my mother in law says, he's quickly becoming the "most expensive free kitty" I've ever gotten!

Also had an eventful day and lots of cuddle time with "Uncle Chris" while he visited this evening, meeting lots of new people and giving oodles of smiles to everyone around him. I don't think anyone has met little Yoda and not fallen for his sweet charm and playfulness.

He's taking a nap now, and I am hoping for him to sleep all through the night. We'll see how he 'likes' the storm that is making so much noise, but so far he is just a great all-night sleeper. If he does get up, he never cries. It's really a great relief. 

Hoping to snatch some more cute photos of him tomorrow, maybe a video too? We'll see!


  1. If Yoda is anything like my Penelope (she looked like a 4 week old kitten at 8 weeks old if not smaller), Yoda is going to end up being a bigger cat then one expects XD.

    My little Penelope is now a 15lb Tomboy (she is bigger then the males and wipes the floor with them if they try to start something).

  2. My bigger girl, Bistro, was similar but bigger than him, only half sized as a baby. She is why I was given Yoda... because I know how to hand raise them. Anyway... Shes 3 years old now and 20 pounds. Massive cat, mostly muscle. She is very dense, but has a slight physical handicap that undeters her... So I am hopeful for him. 7 weeks though, and newborn in appearance is scary.
