Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A long day!

This morning after my husband left for work, I crawled back into bed where Yoda's little carrier home is - complete with noms and his litterbox - intending to sleep. 

Not without him, I wasn't... I spent the next 4 hours in a state of semi-sleep as he played with me, then just on me, and eventually crashed as I had long before him. We slept in 6 positions, and eventually I decided I wasn't really sleeping, so this wasn't really worth it. 

I had a long day at 'work' - if you can call it work, it's not so bad usually, but sometimes people can be really single visioned, and while trying to juggle Yoda screaming, eating, pooping, and attempting to get eaten by my two larger cats... Not exactly a fun day.

I did manage to give Yoda some of his nutritional supplement with his food, I am not sure if he liked it, but he does like his normal food at least - his stomach is round and stuffed like a fat beer belly. It is really funny as it makes him run in zig-zags because it's so big. Once he gets another big poo out, I am sure he will be fine.

I spent my husbands birthday half asleep with him in bed, of course with our faithful little Yoda til I got up this evening. It's the first night I've been able to make dinner at home since Yoda arrived. Go me!

Thank goodness prefold diapers and the ability to swaddle him and tuck him into any shirt. He settles in quite peacefully and sleeps, even if you're walking around, cooking, bending over, etc. 

Well, I have plans to try to get a video recorded tomorrow or maybe just a bunch of pictures... We'll see how my recorder cooperates with me. It's storming and with tornadoes in the area, so I doubt we'll be going out much tomorrow.

Hope everyone sleeps better tonight than I did last night!

More Yoda to come tomorrow.

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