Yoda just got out of surgery! She is, so far alive. I can visit her this evening, and she is just now waking up.
Those poor doctors have been at it for many hours this morning trying to sort her out. First off, she is fixed - they said they might as well while they had her open. Secondly, the herniated diaphragm is actually a congenital defect, meaning she was born this way...
Many cats suffer herniated diaphragms when they fall from high places or get hit by cars. It is exceptionally common, but dangerous to operate on - and yet, if you don't, in almost all cases they'll get very sick and die a very painful death within 10 years. Because Yoda's herniated diaphragm was something she was born with (and potentially why she is so tiny)... they cannot do much as what has pulled through is firmly attached & there is large blood veins running through that would almost definitely kill her if they did do surgery.
Thankfully, due to the fact they are so attached there is very small chance of them ever becoming an issue... But we will have to take her in for X-Rays for the rest of her life to ensure this remains to be the case. So ultimately, the exploratory surgery was a success and Yoda is alive. We'll be able to pick her up tomorrow, and I will be visiting her tonight.
It's up to Yoda now to continue to be a fighter & pull through this. I am so nervous, but I will be happy when she is home and mauling my feet for food.
I'm really glad she made it through surgery! I'm sure she'll fight and pull through it since she knows she has such a loving home and caretakers.