Friday, June 14, 2013

2 Part: Yoda's first vet visit; Playful

The important part is Yoda's vet visit, and we had the first appointment early on Thursday.

When we brought Yoda in, they were pretty much in disbelief over the size and age - but once I explained the circumstances it went over better. We always visit Clock Tower Animal Clinic, and although I've heard some dubious things about the male vet who works, we had the pleasure of being handled by a lovely and kind lady.

Four major things:

  1. Yoda got weighed and is almost 14 ounces! That'd mean doubled in weight from when we originally got the scrawny kitten.
  2. Yoda was vaccinated, and has a second appointment in 3 weeks wherein the second dose and possibly a rabies.
  3. There were various blood tests run, and everything came back clear - no FeLV or other issues as far as we know.
  4. Aaannnd... Yoda is a girl. Well, we think. Due to 'her' size, we can't really tell very well, but we're mostly sure that since we can't get anything to come out, it's probably a little girl. And that is okay with me.

Meanwhile, bouncy Yodadoo is having oodles of fun with her new toy. Although she ignored it for the first few days, she wore herself out last night after playing with it for at least an hour - and I even cought her clawing at the middle part. Yay!

And then Yoda went for a nap.

But today she was more interested in us playing games.

Hopefully more updates and news later!

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